How To Make a Post and a page in WordPress easily

How to write articles and post pages in WordPress, Ok friend friends this time discusses how the heck do I write articles or post articles for beginners, instantly wrote audition tutorail below.

Notice in the picture above that I tandain the red box
Click on the top coat + new
or click on the side at tu; isan Post
Click the add new Post or to which there is on the left
Please enter the title of the corresponding friends want
then add the media to add images, mp3 or video
the content of the article writing
Add Category
Add tag

Friends can see on the Web page to view an article or posting which has just been made.

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To create a web page about the same by making a post, Make this page is usually used in the making contact page, about us, etc directly check out aja tutoialmya below.
look at the picture above Highlight on the menu bar above to new posts
It will be a dropdown menu of options
Select and click friends PAGES
Or on the left side of the highlight on the writing PAGE
Add new and click
It will be on point to the page that is similar to the how to fill the POST article on the image above.
How ever the same
Write The Title Of The Page
Add media kalo would like to add an image, video or mp3
Write the content of the page.
writing categories
and publish it.

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OK friends up here for a tutorial how to make a post and pages, if less obvious can be asked in the comments field below, may bermanfaatCara made a Post and a page in WordPress easily

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