Cara seting mempercepat loading web dengan WP Super Cache | Kali ini membahas tentang tutorial Cara seting mempercepat loading web dengan WP Super Cache,pastinya teman teman sudah paham cara pasang plugin wp kan memang belum pernah mengulas tentang cara memasang dan mengaktifkan plugin tapi saya janji nanti akan saya bahas untuk teman teman yang belum tahu bagaimana cara pasang dan mengaktifkan plugin tapi saya yakin teman teman yang baca artikel ini sudah jago dan mahir dalam masalah tersebut,yuk langsung aja teman teman kita kupas bagaimana cara Cara seting mempercepat loading web dengan WP Super Cache dengan mudah mudah mudahan bisa mempercepat performa loading web sehingga para pengunjung nyaman dalam mengakses web teman teman,yuk cekidot simak ulasan tutorial dibawah ini:

pastinya teman teman sudah instal dan mengaktifkan plugin Wp Super Cache nya kan

Lalu teman teman klik pada pengaturan lalu cari plugin WP Super Cache dan klik.

lalu klik pada option:

Lalu klik Update status,tapi jangan update status di facebook ya nanti salah paham lagi heheh(just kid)

lalu klik


teman teman bisa seting seperti contoh dibawah ini:

Expert caching requires changes to important server files and may require manual intervention if enabled.

Compression is disabled by default because some hosts have problems with compressed files. Switching it on and off clears the cache.

304 support is disabled by default because some hosts have had problems with the headers used in the past.


DO NOT CACHE PAGE secret key: ————————————
Change the location of your cache files. The default is WP_CONTENT_DIR . /cache/ which translates to /home/u553012066/public_html/wp-content/cache/.

  1. You must give the full path to the directory.
  2. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. Please make sure your web server user has write access to the parent directory. The parent directory must exist.
  3. If the new cache directory does not exist, it will be created and the contents of the old cache directory will be moved there. Otherwise, the old cache directory will be left where it is.
  4. Submit a blank entry to set it to the default directory, WP_CONTENT_DIR . /cache/.
  5. The plugin detected a bare directory index in your cache directory, which would let visitors see your cache files directly and might expose private posts. index.html files have been added in key directories, but unless directory indexes are disabled, it is probably better to store the cache files outside of the web root of /home/u553012066/public_html/
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lalu teman teman Update status lagi ya,

ok semoga bermanfaat,bila teman teman kurang paham bisa ditanyakan pada kolom komentar dibawah ini.

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