Lowonga Kerja Terbaru PT Astra Daihatsu Motor Untuk Lulusan SMA SMK D3 S1

Loker | PT Astra Daihatsu Motor atau biasa disingkat dengan ADM adalah Agen Tunggal Pemegang Merk mobil Daihatsu di Indonesia. Sebagai ATPM, ADM merupakan satu-satunya perusahaan yang berhak mengimpor, merakit dan membuat kendaraan bermerk Daihatsu di Indonesia.


–   Jl. Gaya Motor III, No,5, Sunter II, Jakarta 14330, Telp (021) 6510 300


–   Sunter Assembly Plant :

Jl. Gaya Motor Barat, No.4, Sunter II, Jakarta 14330, Telp (021) 6531 0202

–   Sunter Press Plant :

Jl. Gaya Motor II No. 2, Sunter II, Jakarta 14330, Telp (021) 6511 792


–   Jl. Selayar Blok A6, Kawasan Industri MM2100 Cibitung Bekasi 17520, Telp (021) 8998 2299



–   Karawang Assembly Plant and R&D Center:

Kawasan Industri Suryacipta Karawang, Jl. Surya Pratama Blok I Kav. 50 AB

Karawang 41361, Telp (021) 2957 6900

–   Karawang Engine Plant :

Jl. Maligi VI-M16, Kawasan Industri KIIC, Jl. Tol Jakarta, Cikampek KM 47

Karawang 41361, Telp (021) 8911 4030

Baca Lainya:  Bagaimana Menulis Tentang Saya Di Jobstreet?

–   Karawang Casting Plant :

Jl. Maligi Raya Lot A5, Kawasan Industri KIIC, Jl. Tol Jakarta, CIkampek KM 47

Karawang 41361, Telp (021) 8901495





Jl. Raya Setu No. 53 Cipayung Jakarta Timur13000




*lulusan 2010-2012

*Lulus smk: Mesin/Listrik/ Elektro/Otomotif/ Jaringan/ Sma IPA

*Pria/Wanita status lajang umur 18-22tahun.

*Tb min pria: 165cm dan wanita: 155cm.

*Nilai rata” ijazah: 6.50 dgn nilai MTK: 5.

*Sehat jasmani & tdk berkacamata.

*Selama proses seleksi tdk di pngut biaya.(Free)

2. Magang


Daihatsu Internship Program is conducted to provicing opportunity for undergraduate student to exercise their roles in actual working situation.

This program also become advance recruitment method in order to breed  a potential candidate  for future employment in 3-6 months period of time.

Internship student will implement project assignment within company and accept several facilities such as :

  1. Lunch

  2. Insurance

  3. Pocket Money

  4. Working Uniform & equipment

  5. Certificate

Baca Lainya:  Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT ATI Untuk Lulusan SMA SMK D3 S1


Internship Requirement :

  1. 5-8 Semester undergraduate

  2. Having commitment to obey all company rule within internship period.

  3. Minimum GPA : 2,9 ( Scale of 4)


As a rapidly growing global company, ADM also invites and opens opportunities for the best candidates who already have related working experience to fill certain vacancies.

General Qualification for Experience Candidate :
1. Having minimum 3 Years related / qualified working experience
2. Ready to be place in Jakarta,karawang or cibitung .
3. Open for Bachelor, Master & Doctoral Degree


New Employee Development Program (NEDP) is a comprehensive development program to equip new employees (supervisors) with technical and non-technical competencies needed in automotive manufacturing industries.

With NEDP program, every new supervisor will be given understanding and awareness about A to Z of ADM business to enhance their capabilities in delivering supervisory role.

Program Purpose :

  1. as On Boarding program and Standardize new employee competencies ( Focused on supervisor level )

  2. Preparing new employees with  required knowledge, competencies and skills, as a process of learning and debriefing before entering the world of work and carrying

Baca Lainya:  Ketahui Hak Karyawan di PHK

out work.

  1. Provide a strong basic generic competence that  support career development  in the future.

  2. As a new employee performance monitor system before being appointed as ADM permanent employee.

Program Activities :

Semoga bermanfaat dan teman teman segera mendapatkan pekerjaan yang diharapkan.salam sukses

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